Thursday, September 17, 2009

Strange world this is

Strange world this is to see,
Waking in the witching hours to work,
And dead to the world in the day.
Youths to decide their future destiny,
Walking fast to the Walk-ins,
Decorating themselves as mannequins
At the entrance of ornamental silk stores.
Women equal men in everything,
Having no distinction to achieve
Greater distinctions and fame,
Seeing gender discrimination never,
But only while gratifying their sex.

Skyscrapers surrounded with slums –
The scar of the civilized society so-called –
Lodging white-skinned at the top
And the white-minded to live in mob.
Educated minds are obsessed with the thoughts
Of inventing new engines and machines,
To make the life ever more easier,
Forgetting to find out the ways
Of waking the living to live
That fall flat on the their faces
As verdure-gone and withered autumnal leaves.
And body becomes the best playground
For new diseases to play with each other.