கட்டளை இட்டாய் எங்களுக்கு
கனவு காணச் சொல்லி.
கனவு தான் கண்டு கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்.
எதிர்கால தூண்களாகிய
எங்களின் வீட்டில்
பொங்குவதற்கு - ஒரு
பொழுதேனும் அரிசி கிடைக்கும்
என்ற நம்பிக்கையில்.
கனவு தான்
கண்டு கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்
கலாமே -
உன் வார்த்தைக்கு கட்டுப்பட்டு.
கையில் பல சான்றிதழ்களுடன்
கட்டிடங்கள் பல ஏறியும்
வேலை கிடைக்காத
விரக்தியில் கூட
நாளை நமதே என்ற நம்பிக்கையில்.
கனவு தான்
கண்டு கொண்டிருக்கிறோம்
கலாமே -
உன் வார்த்தைக்கு கட்டுப்பட்டு.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
9:36 AM
வெளிச்சத்தை விளக்குகள்....
வெளிச்சத்தை விளக்குகள்
விலக்கி கொள்ளும் பொது
விரக தாபம் என்னுள்
விழித்துக் கொள்கிறது
இரவுப் பொழுதுகள்
என்னை இம்சைப் படுத்துகின்றன
என் காதலை நீ ஏற்பதற்கு
எவ்வளவு கப்பம் கட்ட வேண்டும்.
தவணை எடுத்தாவது
தந்து விடுகிறேன்!
இன்னொரு சுமையை
எப்போது ஏற்பேன் என
என் கட்டில் மிக கவலைப் படுகிறது
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
9:27 AM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
பாவம் என் பாரத தேசத்து இளைஞர்கள்...
என் பாரத தேசத்து இளைஞர்கள்.
உறக்கத்தை தொலைத்து விட்டு
கனவுகளுக்கு கல்லறை கட்டுபவர்கள்.
நம்பிக்கையோ எங்களிடம்
நாளுக்கு நாள்
இளைத்து கொண்டிருக்கும்
எய்ட்ஸ் நோயாளியை போல.
புண் பட்ட மனதை
புகை விட்டு ஆற்றவேண்டுமாம்!
அனேக நேரங்களில்
சிகரெட்டுடன் மட்டும்
சிநேகம் வைத்துள்ளோம்.
நன்றிக்கடன் பட்டிருப்போம்
நாள் முழுதும் உங்களுக்கு
பசிக்கு பழக்கப்படுத்த - எந்த
பல்கலைக் கழகமாவது
பாடத்திட்டம் வகுத்துள்ளதா
என எவெரேனும் பார்த்து சொன்னால்
நன்றிக்கடன் பட்டிருப்போம்
நாள் முழுதும் அவர்களுக்கு.
பல்கலைகழக பட்டங்களை வைத்து
வாழ்க்கை புத்தகத்தில் வரி கூட
வாசிக்க முடியாமல் போனதற்கு.
வேலைக்காக பட்டங்களை பார்க்காமல்
பணம் கேட்கும் இந்த சமுதாயத்திலிருந்து
கட்டிய கோவனங்களையாவது
காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும் என்ற கவனத்தோடு.
வேலை கிடைக்காததால்
எல் டோரடோக்கள்
எங்களுக்கு தேவை இல்லை
பசித்து அழும் எங்கள் வயிற்றுக்கு
பாதியாவது சோறிட
வேலை ஒன்று தான் கேட்கிறோம்
"வயிற்றுக்குச் சோறிடல் வேண்டும் - இங்கு
வாழும் மனிதருக்கு எல்லாம்"
அருகில் இருந்த ஹோட்டலில் இருந்து
அசரரீ போல் கேட்டது
"முப்பது ரூபாய் வேண்டும்
முழுச் சாப்பாடு போடுவதற்கு".
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
5:05 AM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Cry of a Heart
O, my beloved, be with me forever,
Let us prove to the world
The ecstasies infinite yet undiscovered.
Come my Love, I will get for you
The heavenly apples from the Hesperides.
Or gift you gathering the sands all
Stained with gold from the Pactolus filled.
O, the Helen of the heart of mine,
Let us bid Daedalus to fashion
The feathered-wings to be fixed,
And wander with clouds the world around,
And make those under the sun dumb-found.
Or grab with Athena's harness golden
The Pegasus from the Hippocrene and fly.
O, the walking perennial beauty enviable,
Let us order Apollo to speed up
His day chariot to driving it fast;
And get us hurt from the Cupid's bows
To feel the painful pleasures of nights.
And asking Aurora to be ever at rest
And find we in Love the finest and best.
Hark to me, my honied heart, to the words
Of the willing slave of your winking eyes;
'Come live with me and be my love'.
We shall dine upon the Idunn's apples ever
In the elation-filled Elysian fields,
To be ebullient with eternal youth, and find
The dimwitted Tithonus felt jealous-found.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
5:04 AM
Fair, fair and fair is the air
Fair, fair and fair is the air,
Filled with the ecstatic songs
Of Skylarks, with the rustling
Of leaves in the breeze
Spiritual and sensual.
Ripples over the pond,
With the blowing of wind.
Selene bade farewell to Apollo,
Screening the world with darkness,
Favouring the bad to wander.
Serenity, disturbed with tweeting
And twittering of birds;
The hooting of owls,
Making the night dreadful.
Sprinkled as the seeds
Are the stars in the Firmament,
Bright, height in the night;
Wandering are the clouds –
Gray and gloom –
Without knowing the way
The wind directs.
Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful
Things looked in the dark,
Fading gradual from the sight,
As goodness from the human hearts.
Still are the trees, as observing silence
On the death of Peace.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
5:01 AM
To Cuckoo
Beauteous to behold is the placid place,
And blessed with bliss is the bird and its race,
That rummages through the ramages of the trees,
To peck the fruits scrumptious in the gentle breeze.
The brook flowing beneath is glowing in gloaming,
Flinging pebbles small slowly on its moving;
And whisper with rustling all through its route,
In the air, the Cuckoo’s poised canorous note.
The well-spring of glee in my weird world,
Winding-down worries from my wearied mind and sad;
Wither you flit, blithe and blissful bird,
Wake I am the ecstatic songs thine to be heard.
No shifts for you to work, ye happy bird,
Nor to meet the evenings ever tired;
No dinner in hungry stomachs to gorge,
Nor have you the peccable minds to forge.
Wake we to work and work, and work till night,
With all our endless efforts and might,
And rest we in beds a little while to make
The tired minds and bodies afresh, Lo! again to wake.
Fly away and bring me into your blissful region,
From the land perilous with farragoes legion;
Or come out to make my dull soul be shone,
From your coppices dark and fully-grown.
Ye, enchorial to the ever ecstatic world,
Take me to live ever in thine joyous shade;
Cos, agonizing is the life here and there,
As the Ten Plagues occurring altogether.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
5:00 AM
Strange world this is
Strange world this is to see,
Waking in the witching hours to work,
And dead to the world in the day.
Youths to decide their future destiny,
Walking fast to the Walk-ins,
Decorating themselves as mannequins
At the entrance of ornamental silk stores.
Women equal men in everything,
Having no distinction to achieve
Greater distinctions and fame,
Seeing gender discrimination never,
But only while gratifying their sex.
Skyscrapers surrounded with slums –
The scar of the civilized society so-called –
Lodging white-skinned at the top
And the white-minded to live in mob.
Educated minds are obsessed with the thoughts
Of inventing new engines and machines,
To make the life ever more easier,
Forgetting to find out the ways
Of waking the living to live
That fall flat on the their faces
As verdure-gone and withered autumnal leaves.
And body becomes the best playground
For new diseases to play with each other.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:57 AM
To Mind
Once impeccable you are, filled no filth and be free,
Before the fruit tasted from the forbidden tree;
Where from you imported the evils infinite,
Expelling yourself form Eden, where no fear or fright.
Sink not, O Mind, in the bygone terrible past,
And fear not of the future approaching fast;
Live the Present and realize where you stand,
And lead the life at your own command.
Behold the pismire friends that are born to toil,
Creeping pride on the sand as the sons of the soil;
Cull they the grains from here and there with cheer,
To be pleasant and free from the pluvial fear.
Rest not, reach the height with rigorous might,
Because Failure meets those who fail with life to fight;
Mind no more, O Mind, of the ordeals that swoon,
Cos, the time will come, for them to go wrack and ruin.
When you stand still, and wait in the gate of Fate,
Follow you only your deeds, nor your wife or mate;
Think only of Good, and let others to Almighty’s choice,
Lot there are in life to reach and to rejoice.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:54 AM
On Dawn
Aurora, rosy-fingered, her chariot drives,
Waking the Light slept at Night –
As in the smoke is fire hidden –
Hectic and heartfelt is the pretty sight.
Welcome the feathereds the Dawn,
With their chirpings sweet as a song,
Wafted gentle through the air fresh,
Resting the leaves verdant among.
Order I those the two kings,
To bring me one as of Canace's ring,
To meet with the message mysterious
In the songs canorous that they sing.
Sprinkled as pearls spread are the tears dews,
Drenching grass and leaves far and wide;
And swathed is the world in mist shroud,
And ever it is the dead Winter's pride.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:52 AM
To Neptune
Thou, the abode of omnipotent forces,
Flowing waves freely in the sands,
So mellifluous as playing of lyre,
In the ill-fatted Orpheus' hands.
Which wave is the winning wave,
In the never-ending race you have;
Racing restless as Danaides' task,
Fling the pebbles with thine steady heave.
Glide straight the eagles aloft high,
With their talons open to catch the crabs,
That crawl on the shore the waves nigh,
Swift as Achilles on his feet is.
Naught thou art before the mysteries,
Hidden deep in our human hearts,
Chaining themselves with Evils infinite,
Chasing to Death the Good of all sorts.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:50 AM
Alone, alone, all alone...
Alone, alone, all alone I am in the world,
Among the people audacious-
Singing elegies to their emotions,
Spending their lives with full of commotions.
Alone, alone, all alone I am in the world,
Among the people acrimonious-
Callous in hearts and callow in thoughts,
Exhilarating and exultant in other's adversities.
Alone, alone, all alone I am in the world,
Among the people adverse-
As mannequins without emotions,
With money-grubbing modern minds.
Death alone triumphs at the end,
Thinking never of it is the mind.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:46 AM
O Unborn
O Unborn, you are lucky,
Freeing from unceasing adversities;
Illusions are here infinite,
Making our thoughts merely desperate.
Every Present becomes Past,
Leaving our lives with frustrated fights;
To forget the gloomy Past,
By having intoxicated nights.
Troubles we have, as the stars in the sky,
Thank not you; can't we say you bye;
Alas, our comfort has gone,
Letting us leisurelessly moan.
Loveable Death, lull me to eternal sleep,
Nothing on the Earth, I have to keep.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:44 AM
I am among strange men...
I am among strange men without sympathy,
Disguised with delicate appearance;
Interested to be ignorant
Of Altruism.
I am among strange men without love,
Mingled merely with the mechanical World;
Thinking never of good
Even in their dreams.
I am among strange men without rest,
Ready to rebel against rectitude;
Stepping very fast
In searching of money.
Alas, real here is rare, behold,
And rare reigns the World.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:38 AM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I am lost ....
I am lost in the love-lost world,
Where Virtues wedded to Vices;
Starting a journey eternal in the World
Of failures and frustrations fast.
Struggles for the staff of life
Are here successful failures,
And leading a life, like travelling
Through the Daedalus's labyrinth.
Who holds the key to happiness?
Let it be opened a little while,
Turmoiled more enough
In the trouble-dominated World.
Stop, O Death, the sufferings of mine,
And let me rest in the lap of thine.
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
4:27 AM
Friday, September 11, 2009
தீவிரவாதி தான் நீ
தீவிரவாதி தான் நீ
முசரபத் காஷ்மீராக என்னை
முழுவதும் ஆக்கிரமுத்துள்ளாய்
ஆவலோடு எதிபார்த்த ஆக்கிரமிப்பு
ஆகையால் எந்த ஐ.நா சபைக்கும்
இது எடுத்து செல்லப்பட மாட்டாது
"எல்லை மீறலை" தான்
எதிர் பார்த்து காத்திருக்கிறேன்!!!!
Posted by
Dhanabalakrishnan K
10:54 AM